
Anyone Bank Cord Blood?

I did not with DS but decided that I am going to with this one because my Mom freaked me out that by having a biracial child (Filapino/White) it may be hard hard to match in the event something happened.

Who do you use and how much are you charged?  Is there only one company?  It seems CBR is the only one that I have seen advertise.


Re: Anyone Bank Cord Blood?

  • I did not bank cord blood, but the LA Times just did an article on this. I haven't read it, so I'm not sure how helpful it will be.,0,6397428.story?track=rss


    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • We banked it in a public cordblood bank. I know you Americans will call that donating it but its not really accurate. Its there if WE need it too. If we'd lived in NJ where the facility was it would have been free but as it was we paid a couple of hundred for the OB to take it and for the company to pick it up next morning.

    The chances of ever needing it are slim, and the sample is big enough for more than 1 to benefit. So spending a heap (and it was going to cost thousands) did not make any sense.

    ?GL anyway...

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  • I did for the same bi-racial reason you did.  We went with CBR too so I will be shameless and say that if you decide to go with them and think of it, I can give you a will still get the same discount (I do not think it is more than what you were offered but it is possible) and I would get a credit for our yearly fees.  My email address is  We actually did both kids cord blood.

    As a side note, I live in NJ and we did not have a free option for public banking.

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • we went with CBR. The fee is around $2000 but that is the same approx. as what Viacord charges. yearly, the storage fee is $125. CBR is the most recommended by OBGYNS in general and was recommended to us by my OB-GYN. CBR also has the large number of successful cell transplants so you know if you ever need to use your stored cells, that their storage process is optimal and the cells will be viable. Also, you don't start paying until you deliver so if you enroll early enough you can pay it down a little; they offer payment plans too we went with the 6 months no interest payment plan.  Also, checkout for more information on CBR, their payment options  and gift registry and how to apply the code M5470 for the discount of $250 off the fee. Ultimately, we saw it as added insurance for the health of our baby :) take care! 
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