
Do you think the majority of 2.5-3 year olds are PT'ed?

I saw a post that said something about 2-.5-3 being a "late" pottytrainer. While I definitely don't consider it to be early, it seems most 2.5-3 year olds I see are not pt. I guess I do see more that are PT and 3...but in between 2.5 and 3, it doesn't seem like the majority to me.

Re: Do you think the majority of 2.5-3 year olds are PT'ed?

  • Most of the ones I know / have known were not PT'd at that age. 


  • 2.5 to 3 years seems like the time to start around here.  I am hoping to have DD trained by 3 or so.
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  • Nora is 2 1/2.  We're working on getting potty trained, but nowhere near being there yet.
  • That's the time frame that most start working on it, but I don't think of "most kids" as being fully trained until after 3.

    I don't even plan to start PTing DS until at least 2.5, possibly later. He's not even vaguely interested.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • I hope not, or I'm way behind
  • I don't think so.  DS wasn't potty trained yet at that age and DD is 2.5 and likes to sit on the potty but never goes.  I have no desire to push the issue yet.  Better to wait until they're ready. 
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • Among DD's close group of friends, it seems that about half of them were PTed before age 3 and half of them are still working on it.  That's only a sample size of 20 kids or so, though.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • You're probably referring to my post.  My DD is 2.5 and not even remotely interested in PTing.  I just asked because all of my friends kids PTd early, like by 2.  I just feel odd that DD is the only one who is not.  But I don't think 2.5-3 is a late PTer.  I guess I should have phrased it differently.  I'll be happy if DD is partly PTd by 3.
  • I think most 3yr old are done or pretty close...not 2.5yr olds though...I would say 2.5yr is when most are started & in the thick of it.  My first DD was completely done by 27mo, my other DD is 26mo now & I haven't even tried...but she has started peeing on the potty on her own accord & my older daughter is the one encouraging her--I found out w/ #1 that I don't have the patience to PT while pg so that is why I haven't tried.  Even w/ minimal effort I would be suprised if she wasn't done by 3--I think girls are usually earlier than boys though.
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
  • I don't think so.  I think that is known as more of the time to start.  We started dd at 2 years 5 months, and within a month I could confindently say she was trained during the day, but I still don't trust her in underwear at night.  And I still have to help her with wiping, so I don't consider her 100% trained even now.

  • I don't think anyone in DDs preschool class is PT.  She's almost 3.

  • My ds is 2 years, 8 months and is potty trained (although we still use pull ups at night just in case and will for another month or so even though he does wake up dry most mornings and does wake in the night to tell us if he has to go).  However, he is the only kid in his group at school that is potty trained and most of the other people I know with kids my ds's age are just barely starting to train.  We somehow got lucky.  I think most people really start to train at 3 years old.
  • Not the ones I know.  In fact, NONE of the other kids in DS class at MDO or the class up from his are potty trained yet. 
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