

Hi...I just wanted to reply to your post below and I didn't know how long ago it was or if you'd check back.

PLEASE don't beat yourself up.  I had the exact same issues w/ my DD who will be having her 9 month weigh in in a week and I'm dreading it.  She was around 50th percentile at birth, and has been dropping since then and is now hovering around 3rd.  She was BF until around 6 months when I stopped for 2 reasons 1) I hated pumping at work and was only getting 6oz a day from 4 sessions, and 2) I thought maybe my BM was contributing to the problem, and my doctor had told me if she didn't gain weight I would have to start getting "testing" done.

 Well she's been on formula for ~3 months now and it hasn't made a bit of difference.  She's only up to 15lb 2oz, which is still around 5th percentile.  She eats plenty of bottles a day AND 2-3 meals of solids and none of it has made a difference...she's just tiny.

 FWIW my pedi told me the opposite, that I should NOT do solids at all.  He said he didn't care whether I did BF or formula, it was my own insecurities that caused me to switch, but I ended up starting her on solids around 7.5 months cause she seemed hungry all the time and opening her mouth whenever we were eating.  She eats fine now w/ the solids, but it doesn't seem to have affected her weight one way or the other. 

So i'm right there with you, but don't stop BF if you don't want to...I doubt it will make any difference, it didn't for me anyway.  And I miss it now.  DD is my last and I regret stopping and I miss the other perks too (I've gained almost 7 lbs since I stopped!)

Hang in there....your girls are beautiful!!

Re: **REOM**

  • REOMREOM member

    Thank you so much for taking the time to type this out. I really do appreciate the support. I do want to continue BFing, but I really feel the pressure to start formula.

    BFing is such a personal subject. If she was this weight on formula, I don't think I would feel this failure, I would just dismiss it as her being a tiny girl. But with the BFing, you always question.

    I must have written that incorrectly. The pedi doesn't really want me feeding her solids, just giving her a little cereal to practice eating. But not filling up on solids.

    Our pedi has them come in every month for the first year, so I get to do this again next month.  I hope your appt goes well next week. I know that feeling of dread as they are lifted onto the scale all too well (when I get on the scale, however, it is the opposite, LOL)

    Thanks again! And please don't ever change your sig pics- they are too perfect!

    DD1 12.18.06 DD2 9.18.08 DD3 EDD 5.10.2012 BabyFruit Ticker
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