
Does your crib have a drop-side?

If yes, do you use it?

We are starting to look at cribs and most of the ones that are not covertible seem to have the drop side feature.  We did not have this with DS.  In some respects I totally see how it can make it easier, but at the same time I'm fearful of it somehow falling down on it's own and hurting the baby or then figuring out how to drop it down and falling out.

 Do you rec the dropside or should we find something that it solid?

Re: Does your crib have a drop-side?

  • We don't have one with a drop side, but the one at my mom's house does, and I HATE it.  It wasn't inexpensive, but the side just feels chintzy to me.  If we have to buy another crib, we'll definitely avoid it.

    That said, both DH and I are quite tall, which makes it a lot easier for us to get DS in and out...

  • Our crib has the drop side and I rarely ever use it.  I am a bit on the tall side, so I've never had an issue putting DS in.  I do use it sometimes to change the sheets.  Since lowering the mattress all the way, DS is usually awake when he goes in his crib anyway which also helps.  I've never had any issue with the drop side falling or any safety concerns.  (we have a Sorelle).
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    We don't have one with a drop side, but the one at my mom's house does, and I HATE it.  It wasn't inexpensive, but the side just feels chintzy to me.  If we have to buy another crib, we'll definitely avoid it.

    That said, both DH and I are quite tall, which makes it a lot easier for us to get DS in and out...

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    It seems that not much has changed with the drop side thing.  I felt that way when we were looking for DS over 2 years ago - the drop side didn't feel stable to me at all.  I think we'll prob avoid it this time aroudn too.  I was just hoping that they made some progress on them in the last 2 years! :)

  • I really wanted the drop-side because I'm 5'1" and felt that it would be difficult for me to be able to lean over without it. I used it some but not nearly as much as I expected. I used it some when she was super little but probably would have been fine without it, and started to use it some again shortly before we moved her to her big girl bed to get her out in the mornings on those days where she wasn't being helpful and didn't stand up.

    I have no fear of the side falling down on its own or anything like that and it would be impossible for a baby to get it down on their own because the mechanism that releases is is outside of the crib, towards the bottom, and with mine requires that you sort of lift up on the side while you push in. 

    I think that the cribs without the drop side tend to be a little lower in all/part of the outside to enable you to reach baby more easily. My mom at first thought I definitely needed the drop side but when she saw some cribs in the stores she said "oh, with these you would be fine!" All in all, I'm sort of glad I have it but it's far from necessary.

  • DS's first crib was drop side- I hated it! Thank God it was recalled so we got our money back and bought a new crib without a drop side.
  • Yep.  I'm only 5ft tall, there's no way without it.  Use it every time he goes in or out.
  • We have a drop-side -- it would be very difficult for me not to have one because I am short. I really liked having it, and we have had no problems with it so far. I will add that it seems like many of the crib recalls were because of faulty drop-sides, which certainly worried me. however, they seemed to be mostly because of people putting them together incorrectly.
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  • Ours does, but we rarely use it. In fact, I only use it when changing sheets on the crib. I am 5'9", though - I think if you are on the shorter side it might be more convenient to have the drop side.

    Oh, and ours feels very stable and we have had no issues at all with it, we just never use that feauture.

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  • Ours does not have the drop-side.  We have the Munire Newport crib.  I love how sturdy it is.  Also, DH and I are tall so we didn't need to have the drop down.
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  • Our crib is a drop side and I've used it some but not as much as I thought. DS didn't go into his nursery until around 5-6 months (bassinet and packnplay in our room first), but when he finally did, I used it often b/c we were putting him down asleep.  Now as he's gotten older (12m) and we're putting him down awake I don't use it at all. I've never worried about it dropping though, b/c you have to pull up on it and push it at the very bottom for it to drop and he can't do that on the inside. And he rattles that rail every morning to let us know he's up too. :) 
  • At only 5 feet tall, I use it all of the time.  We have an older model crib, so if there were problems with the drop side we would have heard about it before we started using it.  With the mattress all of the way down I don't know how I would be able to put in a sleeping toddler.
  • I love ours I use it every time, you have to push with your knee to make it come down so there is no way that DD could do it herself. 
  • We have the full drop side, not just the fold down side.  we love it.  makes it so much easier to pull DS in and out!!
  • Ours has a drop-side and I use it every day.  I'm only 5'3" so I use it when I put him down for a nap or to bed because I can't comfortably reach in to cover him with his blankets or give him a kiss good night.  I also keep it down during the day so he can't crawl under the crib and pull out his bin of blankets. 

    We will definitely be getting another drop-side crib when we have a second child.  I couldn't do without it.

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