

you take lunch yet? I am NOT feeling work today. I feel like shopping. Thinking of going to Century. Interested?
My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage

Re: xbg

  • No I didn't but I have to send out my tax's, that may take forever.

    What time are you going?

  • oh, i dunno. I can even go tomorrow. I just want to get out of my office. I'm going nuts. I'm bored. figure walking around some aisles of shoes would be a nice break, lol.

    I didn't bring my lunch either so I'm going to have Alan's Falafel--huge plate of food and yummy falafel for $5. Can't go wrong there. 

    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
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  • thats sounds awesome! Do they have sit down?

    I will run out now and see how crazy it is at the post office, my email is slow so I will text you on your 347 number and let you know in a few minutes....


  • ok I'll keep my phone out.


    And no, Alan's Falafel is actually  next to the street meat vendors in the brown brothers harriman courtyard. So good though. Yum.

    If not, we can go to Century tomorrow. Your taxes are more important that satisfying my shoe cravings. 

    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
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