
Speaking of this cost reasonable?

Nora won't be able to start preschool until she's 4 since she was born in October, but I'm still interested to know.  We have a Head Start preschool here and also a preschool run by a church.  (Although that church is not in our town...).  My friend's little boy goes to the church program and it costs $75/month for 2 half-days a week. 

Re: Speaking of this cost reasonable?

  • That is cheap.  My church preschool, which is pretty good, but small, only 24 students next year and 16 this year with a 4 to 1 teacher to child ratio is $160 a month for Two 4 hours days per week.  It is one of the cheapest programs around.
  • wow - that's a great price!!
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  • Sounds like a fabulous rate to me. ?I'm sure it depends on where you live, but that rate is impossible here. ?
  • My nephew is starting a church program in sept. They are going to pay $300 a month for 5 full days. I guess it depends on your location.

    Dd attends a precschool program at a church for 2 yos. She only goes once a wk for $49. They have 5 days but that is closer to $200 wk,

  • That is a great price!!  I have been doing a little early research (DS is 2) and I have found anywhere from $175-$210 a month for three hours, three days a week. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • ds is starting a program in the fall called kids day out, it's one day a week 4 hours a day in a church run by teachers and it's $54 a month.
  • That is crazy-cheap compared to here. We send Ben to a co-op, which is the cheapest option in our area and we pay twice that for two 2.5 hour days a week. Plus, I have to work in his class one of those among tons of other requirements for his school. Sign her up post-haste!
    Evelyn-Mommy to Ben 9.20.05 and Emily 5.14.07 and Callie 7.10.09! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • That seems really reasonable to me. I suppose it depends on the COL in the area you live in, but that would be super cheap around here (moderate COL)
    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • Guess it depends on where you are, but you'd have to add a zero to the end of that monthly cost around here! :(

    Sounds like an awesome deal to me!!!

  • Riley will be starting in the fall, and we will be paying about $1,000 for the school year, 2x per week, 2 1/2 hours a day, so that works out to $110 / month. 

    I thought kids had to turn 3 by the end of December in order to start the previous September?  I actually figured that when Riley is in the 4 year old class on M-W-F, Sydney will be able to start in the 3 year old room (T-Th), so we'll be there everyday.

  • I pay $245 a month for two half days a week, but I live in a high COL area.
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