3rd Trimester

At what age do you start using a Bumbo-type seat?

I had one on my registry but removed it the other day b/c they are so expensive ($75 CDN for seat and tray) and I'd rather not have one right away unless I need it.

There are tons for sale on Kijiji and Craigslist so I thought I'd just wait until I need it and then buy it for less than half the retail price.

Re: At what age do you start using a Bumbo-type seat?

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    I started using it around 3 months. DD loved hers and still tries to climb in it.
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    good idea, you won't need one for a few months anyway. might want to ask the ladies on the 0-6 board.
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    When he/she can hold his/her head up

    My DD still uses hers too. She's 2. It's "her seat"

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    Not until about 3/4 mos.  I bought a bumbo & tray off Craigslist for $20.  I see them on there ALL the time (there's no use buying a new one if you can avoid it)!  The one I got was still in the box.  She said her son outgrew it in one mo so it was barely used.
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    we sat DS in around 3.5 months, head contol. we honestly didn't use it too much...maybe 4 times! Maybe w the next baby we'll use it more...but it was funny b/c DS's legs are so chunky that when I'd lift him out the whole seat would come up. ha ha

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    I started at about 2 and 3/4 months.
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