
NMR: Divorce sucks!

So, my mom and stepdad were in court yesterday to make their divorce official.  SD has been around since I was 2 and is my dad for all intents and purposes.  Things were brutally in his favor and mom got screwed- beyond what I ever imagined.  It's so crappy to be in this situation as an adult b/c they dish all of the dirt that you don't want to hear about your parents.  It's so crappy to see ppl not love each other anymore- well these two almost hate each other.

And, the worst part is that they already compete for my attention when I'm home and one gets hurt if I spend more time with the other.  (17 hours away= home).  I'm going home in April and it's going to be WW3.... it's so stressful and so sucky.  And, SD is probably going to propose to his new GF when they go to Mexico next month while my mom is at home paying his court costs... ugh.. SD is so happy now- and I'm happy for him but it would be easier if Mom was equally happy...  VENT OVER.

Re: NMR: Divorce sucks!

  • that sucks... I am sorry that you are going through that.  Divorce is never easy no matter what your age is.  I hope they find a way to get along for your sake.... best wishes
  • I am so sorry to hear this.  My parents HATE each other too, but are still together. They are constantly pulling us in and at least once every three months one of them calls all of us up and tells us how they can't take it anymore and they are going to get a divorce.  This has been going on for 3 years.  It is craziness.  I still remember when it all first started happening I just kept wishing they would have gotten a divorce when I was younger so that I could have been shielded from all of their crap, then I realized, what a terrible thing to wish.  Point is, it beyond sucks to see people you love who are good people try to destroy each other, it is awful and I am sorry you are going through it.
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  • that sucks. And it will inevidably always suck you in too. :( I'm sorry.
  • I am so sorry. My parents are divorced too, it took a while for them to BOTH be happy, but now they are both remarried and loving life all over again. It really was the best thing for everyone involved looking back now. But it was really hard when we were all in the middle of it. I have 4 siblings and i have ALWAYS been the middle man between my parents and it really sucks, and is a burden I should not have had to bear as a child, so I really feel your pain. ((HUGS))
  • Totally sucks.  I have been through it twice.  Once with my parents when I was 16 and then more recently with my dad and stepmom.

    Both times were a NIGHTMARE. I know things about my parents no child should ever know.

  • I'm so sorry. ?That's terrible that you are put in the ?middle.
  • Yah- and let's not forget I went through this with my father & stepmom already... and way back, once upon a time, mother & father... Fack.  DH is lucky- there's pretty much nothing he could do that would warrant a divorce from me- I just wouldn't do it. Unless he broke some serious laws in which case he would be in jail & divorced.

    I know it sounds crazy but I don't even think it would be a deal breaker if he cheated (not that I wouldn't make his life hell).  I think that sometimes our parents generation through the "D" word around too quickly.

    Please no flames I already feel sh1tty enough... and I'm totally not judging divorced people, I totally get that makes sense a lot of the time.  It's just not for me.

  • That sucks.  My parents never got divorced because they can't agree on how things (retirements) should be split and can't afford the legal fees to have other people deal with it for them.  They have just been seperated for 16 years.
  • You know, that is why it took me so long to get married and even longer to have kids.

    No flames but having experienced an affair, I understand why people get divorced from it.  I have forgiven DH but recovering from it is a completely different story.  Every day I have to choose to love him.  Every day I have to choose to trust him.  Every day I choose to stay.  It is sometimes exhausting.

  • HUGS to you!!  You are such a strong woman. 
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