Good evening, ladies.
Well, I had my annual check-up today. I asked a lot of questions about TTC and got some good info. Dr said they would remove my IUD when we're ready to TTC (June!) and I will be ready to start trying right away. However she mentioned that mirena IUDs work by releasing progesterone which prevents buildup of the uterine lining, and that it will probably take a couple of months for me to get the lining built up to the point where it will support implantation. So, I have two questions:
1) is there anything that can help build up the uterine lining? Any supplements or vitamins that I should be taking to help with my thinner uterine lining?
and 2) does anyone have any info or stories about TTC post-IUD? How long did it take? I'd love to hear about others who have had success!
Many thanks in advance for any answers. I wish you all BFPs soon!
Re: ? about building up uterine lining...
so i had an iud many moons ago. it was not the same thing, so i didn't have the same problems as you. didn't have any problems getting knocked up.
thanks for the answer. Unfortunately, if it's just because of coming off of mirena, they won't give me the medications and just want me to wait it out..
I was hoping that there would be some sort of 'trick' like wheatgrass or tea tree oil or eye of newt or something....
Pomegranate juice builds uterine lining and Wheatgrass increases quality of eggs. I just discovered both of these and it is the first cycle I'm trying them. I'm drinking 8oz a day of the pom juice. I got it at the regular grocery store. I'm taking pills of the wheatgrass and stopping at Jamba Juice whenever I see one to get a 1 oz. shot. It doesn't taste nearly as bad as everyone says. It's actually kind of sweet. I mean, eating broccoli is worse!
Thanks for the great suggestions. I'll start drinking pomegranate and wheatgrass (with a little eye of newt thrown in for good measure)