
mini pill vs. Mirena

What can you tell me about either? What do you love? What do you hate?

 My stupid farking PCOS has my girlie parts all messed up, and I need one or the other to get my bits to behave. Unfortunately metformin doesn't help me & I can't take a regular pill because I have a liver hemangioma. 

ETA: I'm not BFing any more, and I SERIOUSLY doubt if I can ovulate on my own so I'm not worried about the mini pill screwing up my supply or having an oopsie pregnancy :

Re: mini pill vs. Mirena

  • I have  Mirena.I love it. It hurt SO BAD to get it put in. I cried. And I was in pain for about 6 hours after. Since then it has been fabulous! No periods, No crazy symptoms, No pill to remember, No worry.


  • I have Mirena so far Im not thrilled. I got it in at my 6 week appointment and was so happy because it didnt hurt like I had heard it would.  It was just a small pinch then that was it.  That was 5 weeks ago and I am still spotting.  I didnt bleed this much after I gave birth.  Other than that I havent had any mood swings or anything.  
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  • got pregnant on the mini pill...and so did two of my friends...I also found that it decreased my milk supply (so if you bf or ep then consider that)

  • I just had my Mirena taken out last week.  I loved the idea of it, but I had spotting the first 6 months and then when it went away I started with crazy symptoms -- weird weight gain, back pain, headaches.  I've moved on to Yaz, but I'm about thisclose to getting my tubes tied (not that you really needed to know that :-)).  I don't really have any experience with the mini pill.

    I had no pain having Mirena put in . . . but I had also dilated when I went into labor (I've heard that helps).  I also took a couple advil before I had it put in).  Having it taking out was a breeze, too.



  • I have the Mirena, and I really like it.  It hurt like a mother$%cker going in, but I was fine after 15 minutes or so.  I had a c-section, so that may be why.  Plus, my IUIs always hurt, too.

    I had bleeding and spotting for the first six weeks.  I have had one bleeding episode since then -- it lasted a day. I've had it since december.  It's pretty great.  No weight gain for me -- I've actually lost about 8 lbs.

  • I have the Mirena and am still thinking of having it removed almost 6mos later.  It's better now but having it put in was horribly painful and my period was out of whack for a long time.  And I had a few months where things were feeling very "not right" but they seem to have settled down.  I missed an OB appointment because my boys were in the hospital but I need to reschedule and talk it over with my OB.  I'm also extreamly emotional and PMS cranky all the time now, but I don't know if that's because of all the sleep deprivation and stress I'm dealing with or if it's also the Mirena.  I don't want to go back on the pill but I don't like any of the other IUD options either. 
  • I had the Mirena for about 18 mos and loved it, spotted for 6 mos after putting it in, but after that I had no period for a whole year. After that year (Jan 09) I had it removed b/c of having 2 bacterial infections back to back within 6 weeks and the 2nd one turned quickly into PID.  

    About 6 weeks after getting it removed I went on ortho-lo and was skeptical about remembering. I set the alarm on my cell phone to go off everyday at 10pm (since I'm normally home at that time) and I carry them in my purse that way if I'm not home I'll remember. I've been on them for 3 weeks and now can remember, even though I still use the alarm!


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