Hi. My dr office called today with FSH level test results. They said that my FSH is 13.6, but the dr said this is "normal". That isn't what I'm reading on the internet. From everything I've read, this is considered high.
Can anyone offer insight? I'm so confused.
Re: normal FSH level?
I think "normal" depends in part on your age, with older women having higher levels considered "normal".
13.6 is slightly high in terms of fertility, but not at all impossible or hopeless. There's a useful chart and info here:
Good Luck! I hope you get your BFP soon.
It does seem a bit high. ?Under 10 is considered good, but I am sure 13.6 can be worked with. ?You may want to try taking wheatgrass as it has been known to lower FSH and improve egg quality. ?I doubt that any doctor would confirm that, but I have heard many success stories on these boards!?
-butting in-
I am under 35 but check on y'all
Look into chinese medicine/holistic health. Do not listen to any Dr Google nonsense or any dr that tells you you have old eggs.
My accupuncturist is convinced that the month I had the fsh spike it was caused by too many mixed hormonal messages going to my brain between bcps and going straight to clomid.
From what I've read, 10 is considered the upper limit of normal.
13.6 is high based upon what I have heard.... but as pp said, it can be addressed.
I am huge supporter of alternative medicine and second trying acupuncture.
There are 2 really good books by a lady who had high FSH who was able to conceive naturally. Author is Julia Indichova. Inconceivable is one book and The Fertile Female is the other one.
here is some info from Resolve on High FSH
I think that there is also a sub-board on www.ivfconnections.com that specifically addresses high FSH. You might want to check there and see if you can get some info.
Then it would def be high as you are follicular/about to o. Is this an RE or an obgyn??
I don't get that at all! ?Of course you're FSH is going to rise after day 3 as your body is preparing to o. ?I guess that's why your doc said your # was normal...maybe it is normal for that cycle day. ?I only know what's good for baseline, so scratch everything I said earlier! ?Oh, except wheatgrass! ?I recommend that to everyone! ?Can't hurt!?
I am really advocating you going to an RE. You want to get pregnant and thats what they help you do. My ob was a clod when it came to talking reproduction and I think sadly most of them are.
That is not going to be anywhere near as accurate.
If you do not want to go to an RE at least make your reg doc take the blood draw on day 3 for accurate results.