
heartburn, any remedies? (SAIFW)

I've had hearburn off and on the past few days,but right now it's bad.  Anyone have any good remedies?  Do your doctors say you can take tums during an IVF cycle? Is this a s/e from PIO?  Thanks!

Re: heartburn, any remedies? (SAIFW)

  • One option is to drink a lot of water. It doesn't stop the heartburn, but it dilutes the acid so it doesn't hurt as much.
    WAY 2 Cool 4 School

  • calcium usually helps so drink a glass of milk or if you've got some tums or rolaids try that. 

    I hope it is a pregnancy symptom :)

    Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, It empties today of its strength. ~Corrie ten Boom
    Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher (thank you beadinglady)

    It's been a long journey. TTC since 9/06. multiple IUI's and IVF's and 4 m/c's. IVF#3 = BFP, twins, induced at 34w6d due to baby b passing away (no explanation). Delivered on 35w1d, Baby A - baby girl, and Baby B - baby boy, our little angel.
    MTHFR A1298C & C677T, Immune Issues and Factor II
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  • me too, the worms!  Today I don't feel pregnant, I go through days where I'm certain and days that I'm not.  I hate IF!
  • I have acid reflux disease (aka GERD) and have found that yogurt really helps. It coats your stomach and throat, also try milk....drink a few 8 oz glasses over the course of the day. Also, ice cream helps cool things down and makes you feel better. Stay away from spicy foods, bbq, tomato based sauces, citrus as these will all aggravate your symptoms.

    I hope that your heartburn is a good sign!!

  • I hope the heartburn is a good sign!

    I've had an acid reflux/heartburn kind of feeling in the back of my throat off and on for a couple of weeks. So far I haven't taken anything for it but I do think I've heard that tums is ok - I guess ask your nurse just to be sure. I just try to drink lots of water and eat soothing foods.

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  • i don't have any suggestions but just wanted to say that i hope this is a good sign!! :)
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