
Would you do swimming lessons?

My son will be 4 this coming July.  We go to the shore a handful of times over the summer - maybe 4 times if we are lucky (plus it's the ocean so it's not like he is really swimming in the surf).  We are going to Myrtle Beach this June for a week and there will be a few opportunities to swim in a pool.  We don't have a pool in our yard or have access to one any other time (it's rare)

They offer swimming lessons at the Y and it's parent/child classes.  We already signed him up for T-Ball in April which is on Saturdays so fitting in swimming lessons is going to be crazy, and cost more obviously.  We both work full-time jobs, plus I have a daughter turning 2 in May so the class would have to be when my DH is home to be with her since I would have to get in the pool too.

Do you think it's necessary or ridiculous to do swim classes?  Should I wait until he is 5 ... next year?  I feel like waiting but I also feel like he needs to learn how to swim.

Re: Would you do swimming lessons?

  • My son is 4 and is now terrified of the water. We are trying to get him to just go in a wading pool now. I kind of wish we had taken him to swimming lessons earlier, and maybe he wouldn't be so afraid of the pool. I'd do the lessons if you can.
  • We just signed DS up for lessons at the Y.  He'll be going on Saturdays for 30 mins and it only cost $36. 
    Liam is 5!
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  • I would do it.  They were really fun for us but I was doing them with her b/c she was 18 mo.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • hmdhmd member

    DS will turn 2 in April, and he loves the "swimming pool at the Y."  He and DH go there on Fridays.  He took a mommy and me swim class last fall, but for now we take him on our own.  We will definitely put him in a real swim class as early as possibly, which is age 3 at our Y.

    I would say it is something you should make a priority for his safety and enjoyment.

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  • At the Y by us it's a 8 weeks session for $110.00.  We just paid $125 for T-Ball. 
  • I'm huge into early swimming lessons. DD started lessons last year at 2 and will have lessons every year. We live in CA, so lots of people have pools, we have a spa and we go to a college pool in the summer.  I definitely would not wait at all. And those parent and me swim classes sound like so much fun.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • DD has been taking them since 8 months..she loves it!
  • My son is 3.5 and we plan on putting him in swimming lessons this summer.  My IL's have a house on Lake Huron, and we spend a lot of time at the beach in the summers, plus there is a pool at our apartment complex. 

    The decision is totally yours, but I would do it if you can afford it. 

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  • I just don't want to get in the pool too, LOL!  I am too fat!
  • I started swimming lessons with DS at 6 months and with DD at 9 months.  I think swimming lessons are SO important.  Our Y starts individual swim lessons at 3 years old.   Are you sure you need to get in the pool with him?
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