
IUI & Temping

Hi - I know there is really no reason to temp if you are being monitored during an IUI cycle.  Right now I am on a cycle of clomid w/trigger and am being monitored.  I had an appointment last Friday (ultrasound and b/w) and my doctor told me to trigger that day.  I had an IUI on Saturday AM and was told to have TI on Sunday since the lab isn't open.  Because I've been charting for a long time, I couldn't help but take my temp this morning and it still has not gone up.  Do you think this can be an indication that I didn't o yet or should I just stop temping and not worry about it?  Thanks for any advice!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: IUI & Temping

  • I never really got good at the whole charting thing. My RE does have me temp, he even gives me a little chart and checks it everytime I go in. He usually had me come in for blood work the day after the IUI to make sure I did ovulate. (sorry I don't know what test he did) The 3rd time, he didn't have me come in and my temp didn't spike much, so I had to go in the next day  to make sure. That's the cycle I got my BFP.  I may have ovulated late, or my temps just didn't shift, I have no clue. It might be worth a call to see if you can get blood work. My temps were always wacky, I coudln't even get fertility friend to tell me I was pregnant when I was.
  • Thanks for your reply!  I may call my dr, but I do know she is against charting so probably won't be too concerned. 
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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