This is my first month on Clomid. My 12th cycle day (is that what cd is?) was Saturday.. I was told to test for ovulation days 12-17 and if no surge, than I go in on day 17 (Thursday) for an ultrasound.
So, if I am going to ovulate, it should be during these days, right? I've never got a positive OPK test, so I'm hopeful it happens!
Re: Ovulation- Typically cycle days 12-17?
In theory you should Ovulate within those days, however for alot of girls, including myself, Clomid has a tendency to make you Ovulate late. On all my clomid cycles I think I never O'd earlier than CD 18 or 19.
If you have PCOS, that can be a contributor as well, and can cause your OPK's to possibly not be right as well.
Good Luck!
"The Sisterhood of Infertility" Blog
Cycle#18=BFP....M/C @ 7w2d...heartbroken
IUI #1 (cycle 25) = Chem PG, IUI # 2 Cycle 32 = BFFN! SURPRISE--- We're PG!! Break Cycle BFP November 2009!!!! M/C # 2
Sadly, a Mommy to 3 Angel Babies
"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality." John Lennon
with clomid, ovulation can be late. For me, I didn't ovulate until cd18 most cycles and once it was cd26. These were all confirmed with charting and verified with P4 test 7dpo. The u/s will show you if you have any follies ready to ovulate.
*PCOS bio* *Cold Hands, Warm Heart*
Ok, I was worried that if I ovulated late (after day 17), then it would be a waste of money to go in for the ultrasound and pay the $200 out of pocket. I didn't realize that it would show if I have any follies that are ready to ovulate, etc.
Thanks ladies!
I had +OPK on day 24 with Femara - I did that cycle without ultrasound to just ease into it. ?I kind of wish I did do the ultrasounds to get visual confirmation that I had follicles, not just the +OPK. ?I coincidentally had bloodwork done the same day, and my E2 and P4 were low, so it didn't look like I was ready to ovulate, even though I got a +OPK later that day. ??
it can vary from woman to woman....usually you will ovulate between those days but I have ovulated as late as day 21 on clomid....
that's great that they are monitoring you with the u/s but what about bloodwork? I had an u/s on CD10, then daily (CD 16) it is showing ovulation so tomorrow is our IUI....
Anyway...the OPK's have worked with me in the past but these last 2 cycles on clomid they haven't which is why my doctor did the bloodwork! Good luck to you!