I still have all of my lingerie from when I was w/ xh. What should I do with it? I'm talking about the fancy or fun stuff, not your basic necessities. I have no idea what the lingerie etiquette is and google is not your friend with those search terms!
Re: npr & a clicky poll - lingerie
Matthew James 1/11/07
this is the problem e. is that weird or not? technically it's my clothing, but at the same time it was bought for sex w/ someone else. in that case it's weird.
Since you can't toss out "yourself" (as theoretically you were also there for the previous use of said lingerie), I see no reason to treat an inanimate object with more reverence than your own kitty.
So--do what makes you happy. If you feel good in something, it's your garment and new BF will be equally appreciative. If he asks "is this new", this is a perfect time for a white lie "Yes!" (it's NEW to YOU, bucko!) LOL
If its something you never felt comfortable in, or it has too much significance for you to feel comfortable in now, toss it.