2nd Trimester

I'm a teen mom, am I the only one?

Yes, I'm a teen mom. I hate when people give me weird looks and rude comments. I guess people's reactions to teen moms are slutty and not gonna be a good parent. I'm 19 and I think I will be a great mom. At least I know who the father is and we are still together and i'm out of high school!

Re: I'm a teen mom, am I the only one?

  • I'm not a teen mom but more power to you if you're being responsible! Congrats and H&H 9 months.
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  • I had a child when i was 19 and 11 days later I turned 20 so I've been there.. I'm just 21 gonna be 22 this month but I'm not much older. Lots of young girls here and lots of fun! Dont be afraid.. we are here to help you! congrats btw!
  • imagemommastemme:


  • You may be in the minority around here, but I don't think anyone will look down upon you for it around here!  Good luck and H&H to you and baby....and daddy too!
  • I'm 19 too so I'm certainly not going to judge you. How's your pregnancy going so far?
  • Ummm...ok.  Did I miss something?  Was there an attack on teen moms or something?
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    "You're gonna miss this You're gonna want this back You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast..."
  • imageMattysGirl81:
    Ummm...ok.  Did I miss something?  Was there an attack on teen moms or something?

    Ditto... but welcome

  • imageMattysGirl81:
    Ummm...ok.? Did I miss something?? Was there an attack on teen moms or something?

    No, just a s/o from a "comments" topic.?

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  • Well i'm actually 18 bought to be 19 but my pregnancy is doing good. It has its ups and downs but it's worth every bit of it!

  • i had DS two months after HS graduation... definately not the plan, but where i come from, that is LATE to have a kid!  I got the same reaction from the same people who KNEW me from kindergarten.  DS's dad being my first and only partner for 5 years after that softened the blow, but the initial thought has always been "irresponsible to get pg," and not "bad mom"
  • Nope, nothing wrong with ya!! Ignorant people tend to think that younger women aren't responsible or something, but it's not true.

    Congrats and more power to you!

  • Well me and my fiance have been together for almost 4 years! So it's not like I went out and found some random guy and got pregnant. I love him very much and we are really excited. Like I say all the time, "Everything happens for a reason".
  • I'm 20, so not a teen anymore but young :) People automatically assume that just because I'm only 20 that it was an accident. Um no... we are engaged, live together, and are very responsible. It wasn't planned (we were going to wait until I graduated college, probably about a year) but it was NOT A MISTAKE!! We are overjoyed that we are having our child and so are our families.
  • Well, I admire you for taking the initiative to be responsible and care for your child.  I wish other people in a similar situation as yours could be more like you.
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    Day Three
  • Anyone else thinking troll?  I thought so after the last post now I definately think so.  And no I don't hate on teen moms.
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  • I know excactly how you feel. Me and fiance live together and been together for awhile so yeah it was gonna happen one day. Yes, we should of waited but I think everything happens for a reason. I love babies and i'm excited to be a mother!
  • I dont often think of 19 as a "teen mom". Obviously you are in your teens but when i think of teen moms i think 15, 16...someone who usually cant care for their child on their own. Then again, I know some moms who got preg at 16 and they did a good job so its a toss up. i think if you are responsible, providing for your baby and love it then good for you!! Dont let others get you down.
  • Why the bold?

    I'm not a teen mom but I'm a step mom to an 18 year old and a 19 year old. So yeah, I have to say some of you are very, very young to me.

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  • I am not a teen mom but I give you a lot of credit! Its a crazy road and you will have a lot of challenges but I know you can do it.... We are all in this together : )
  • I'm only 20, my husband is 21.  We've been together for 4 years and like most other young people, it wasn't planned but I agree that everything happens for a reason.  All you can do is handle it.  Be a great mom and be responsible! Good luck to you and your fiance! Big Smile

  • It makes me sad when young young girls like that say, "well we've been together four years," blahblah.  It doesnt count when you started dating  when you were 15.  Tongue Tied

    Regardless, good luck to all of you - this is a great place to be for advice/information!

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  • Im 18. So no your not the only one. There are plenty of teen moms, and if you dont act like a teenager, you should not be treated like one. Do your best and be responsible.?
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