TTC After a Loss

If you pay OOP for fertility stuff

How much are you charged for ultrasound scans for Clomid monitoring, etc. I am paying $100 a pop (it was a total of $300 last cycle because I had to two to check follicle size and another to make sure I didn't have any cysts leftover) and I'm wondering if that is comparable to others out there.

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Re: If you pay OOP for fertility stuff

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    My OBGYN charged 125 a pop, my RE charges 200. I almost wish I could just go back to my OBGYN for the u/s and that they could tell my RE what's going on- it'd save me money!
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    I pay close to 300 a u/s but I am also being seen at an re's office so that could be why. I've love to only pay 100 an u/s. But then again I'd love it if my insurance actually paid for it!
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    I pay $125 per U/S  I paid $195 bc they charged me an office visit to make sure everything cleared out after AF.  I'm going back tomorrow so they can suck me dry somemore!


    Good luck girls!

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