Oh man, that stinks! Is Sophia still up or is she in bed? It's hard when you think your "relief" is coming home and then it ends up being all mommy, all night instead!
aggie--I've been on the wagon since co left 2 weekends ago. ?my liver needed a break! LOL... I just might need to jump off the wagon tonight. 1/2 hour till S goes to bed!?
Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10)
Doctor in training!
Where is the wagon....I don't know how to get on???? Help me. I tried not drinking wine last week, and did ok. This week, my kids are plotting against me. I give up.
Re: OMG--DH isn't going to be home until 10:30!
hiya March! how's things? how are the girls?
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.