Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Anyone else's LO seem to almost dislike DH? WWYD???

I feel terrible for DH. He is a really hands on dad who is always getting home and wanting to take DD to play or change or whatever. On the weekends he has been trying to take DD for a few hours at a time so I can get stuff done or go out, but she will not have any of it and I can tell its starting to get to him.

When he has her she will often throw a fit crying and screaming... and if I take her she immediately calms down and stops. It's so frustrating for both of us. 

Also, I BF and she will now only take bottles of EM from me (and still not happily) so I don't know what that's about.

What do we do?? I knew she might prefer me since I BF, but she is practically being mean to him. I feel so guilty.


Re: Anyone else's LO seem to almost dislike DH? WWYD???

  • My son went through this for a bit right around your daughter's age. Then one day DH came home from work and DS gave him a HUGE smile and since then they've been buddies. DS still prefers me to him and there are times when DH is holding him and he reaches out to me but he definitely enjoys playing with his daddy now. She'll grow out of it!

    Oh and DS is BF'd too and would also only take a bottle of EM from me. That was a battle for some time, so much so that I was terrified of him not eating at all when he went to daycare. But again, one day he just got over it and now anyone can bottle feed him. Hang in there!

  • This is totally normal, especially at her age. Little babies usually prefer their moms. It's not just the feeding, it's that you've been home with her day in and day out since she was born. No one else holds her the right way, or sound right, or smells right as far as she's concerned. DS#1 was a total mama's boy until he was maybe six months old, and then it was like he out of the blue discovered his dad. For the next nine months, he totally preferred DH to me. I was just boring old mom who was always there, but dad... wow, he was a cool guy! Anyway, he flipped back to a mommy phase a few months ago, and now he doesn't give either one of us the time of day, it's all about the baby. Babies and small children are fickle. Reassure your DH that one day soon, your daughter is going to think the sun rises and sets on him.
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  • I agree with PPs, but I also have a ? for you.  Is your DH by any chance very excited/full of energy and are you a little more laid back?  This seems to be the case in our household.  I think sometimes DH is just a little too much for DD.  Sometimes.  So, when I know that DD might not be in the mood for all that energy I ask DH to tone it down a bit and DD is a little more accepting.  It has helped, but we didn't a case as extreme as yours.
  • YES... Lyla went through this right at that age, too. Poor DH was so upset... so then I'd end up soothing BOTH of them. :)

    But it gradually started getting better, and has almost totally passed now. There are occasionally times when she'll have a screaming fit with DH and need me to comfort her, but 95% of the rest of the time, she's perfectly happy with him. Oh, and I EBF also, and she was picky about taking bottles from him too.

    The only thing we did was make sure he was spending lots and lots of "happy time" with her... so she'd associate him with good things: massages on the changing table, playing in the Jumperoo, reading books, etc. But honestly, I think it was just a phase she went through.

    But tell your DH he's not alone! And it will definitely pass soon.

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