Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Would you save it? (BM)

DH swore DS was still hungry and gave him the beginning of a new bottle. Of course the little guy passed out after drinking maybe 1 oz. Usually I would save the bottle and reuse it at his next feeding, but if it still wasn't finished I would toss it. Since he's been STTN, hopefully his next feeding won't be until the morning. Is that too long to save the bottle? Should I toss it or pour it over DH's head for wasting a precious bottle of BM?
DS 5 years old
DD 2 years old
{Baby GIRL due 6.1}

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Re: Would you save it? (BM)

  • Oooh .. tough call.  Normally I would save but you're talking over night ... well ... I would definitely put a fresh nipple on the bottle if I did save it.  Why don't you save for now - in case he wakes up tonight - but then if he doesn't wake up until morning, well, you might want to toss.  When in doubt, throw it out, right?  I'm sorry.  I'd kill my DH too (and this is also why DS's first 2 night time bottles are formula (8pm and 12:30am) - because then I don't care if he doesn't finish them.  His 4/5am bottle is bm and whatever he doesn't finish goes back in the fridge!)

    "When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame

  • I'm going to take your advice about saving it in case, but throwing it out in the morning if not needed.  His last one of the night usually is formula, too, but he surprised us both by waking up an hour later and while I was pumping DH grabbed a BM bottle.


    DS 5 years old
    DD 2 years old
    {Baby GIRL due 6.1}

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • Umm, I'd reuse it as long as it went right back into the fridge...but I tend to err on the side of too relaxed about that.
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  • You could always freeze it and use it tomorrow.
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