DD eats either 5 bottles a day (5 oz) if she sleeps all night or 6 bottles if she wakes up in the middle of the night (4 oz all day, 5 oz at bed and middle of night). She screams and guzzles the bottles which makes me think she needs more. I gave her an extra oz in some of the bottles today and she gulped them down as well. She seems to be a very hungry baby. The pedi told me she should be getting 3-4 oz in each bottle (24 for the day). Right now she gets 25-27 and still seems hungry. How big would you let the bottles be? Anyone else in this situation?
Re: 3 month old and bottle oz's
my 2.5 month old takes about 6-8 4 oz bottles a day.
When did your pedi tell you that number - at her 2 month appt? It might be time to give her more. Honestly. .. if she'll eat more, I'd give it to her anyway. Maybe increase each bottle by an ounce and see if she finishes that.
Give her what she wants. She may need bigger bottles but less frequently, she'll let you know when she's had enough by pulling away or spitting up if she's had too much.
DS gets 5 1/2 oz. every three hours, for an average of about 35-40 oz. a day.