I BF my DS and he still eats about every 2 hours from the time I pick him up (noon) in the afternoon to the time he goes to bed. He still wakes up 2 times a night to nurse as well. He takes two 4-5 oz. bottles of BM at the sitter's.
Just curious if this is typical.
Re: How much/how often is your 4 month old eating?
my DS is FF. He eats 6 oz every 3 hours and sleeps from 10:00 pm to about 6 am.
She is FF and takes 5 ounces every 3 hours during the day, total of about 30 ounces/day.
Kylie 10/21/08
Twin Ectopic - lost left tube 12/29/10
Surprise BFP EDD 8/21/13