I was holding out because of the acidity, but the kids that are DS's age at daycare have been eating the mandarin oranges so I let him try some yesterday (I was there at lunch.) Last night up every hour crying, horrible afternoon (unconsolable) and now diaper rash...just got over an ear infection so it can't be that...and no sign of new teeth!
Re: Anyone's DC have problems with oranges?
Citrus is suppose to be after 1 year.
C broke out from it, manderin oranges from a can.
Citrus fruits ? such as oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines ? are very acidic and can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in babies. That's why doctors recommend that you wait until your child is at least 12 months old to offer any citrus fruits or juices. What's so special about turning 1? That's the age when most babies' digestive system is fairly developed and can handle the acid in these fruits without problems.