Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Moms of 3 1/2 - 4 monthers

Hate to be annoying and ask questions that have been asked a million times - but I couldn't find a previous post.

How much is your LO eating per feeding?

(DS is at only 4 ounces and I am kind of thinking this is a little less than average. And yes, I know all babies are different. : )

Re: Moms of 3 1/2 - 4 monthers

  • about 4 ounces every 3 to 4 hours.
  • DD is taking 4-5 oz a feeding now.  We upped it to 5 oz and sometimes she finishes and sometimes she doesn't.  And sometimes she spits up.  I think we need to find a happy medium at 4 1/2 oz maybe.
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  • Let me preface with the fact that my baby is rather big... AKA almost the same size as a FF 9 month old and she is fedd breast milk from the bottle...

    She eats 5 oz every 3-3.5 hours sometimes closer to 4 if she takes a long nap. She eats a total of 30 oz a day

  • DD is 4 months and eats every 4 hours. She takes two 8 oz bottles while I am at work and eats for about 20 minutes during our 3 daily nursing sessions.
  • Isabella has been eating 6 oz every 2 hours! yeahh every 2 hours.. but that's because she sleeps 12 hours per night so i guess she's trying to make up for it during the day.
  • Same here when she eats out of a bottle. Just recently, she started drinking an occasional .5oz.  This is on top of on demand feeding that could take place an hour later. DD has reflux, so that could be a contributor.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • 4 to 4.5 oz every 3-4 hours

  • I think about 3-4 oz - I BF and give a bottle once in awhile so I think its about 3.  My LC said that a 4 month old is fine taking 4 oz.

     are you bf or formula?

    Remember your baby will eat what they need.

  • 5 oz every 3-4 hours. He just got to 5oz and is spacing his feedings further apart now. He was doing 3.5/4 oz every 2.5 hrs but seems to like this much better!
  • My lo is mostly bfed but while I am at work he takes 5 oz bottles.  He just went up to 5 oz when he was about 3 1/2 months.  When he did he went from eating every 2 1/2 to every 3 1/2 hours at daycare.  I think 4 oz is fine if your lo is satisfied afterward.
  • imageRobinLA:
    DD is taking 4-5 oz a feeding now.  We upped it to 5 oz and sometimes she finishes and sometimes she doesn't.  And sometimes she spits up.  I think we need to find a happy medium at 4 1/2 oz maybe.

    This is our DD too.  We just increased yesterday to 5 oz every 3-4 hours except there is no late night feeding because she usually sleeps from 8-9p until 430a.

  • we bf and i thought it was around 3-4 oz every 3/4 hours, but today has kicked my butt, maybe she's going through a growth spurt!
  • my little guy must be a piggy wiggy! lol he eats 6-8oz every 3 to 4 hours. but STTN usually 8am-7am.  He is FF
    Trying to Conceive Ticker
  • Sugartea!  DD is eating every 3-31/2 hours and was sleeping through the night (until 5a) but now is getting up again.  ugh!  One feeding at about 3am.  Then up at 6-7a.  Someone thinks because I went back to work, she's up in the middle of the night again to bond.  Not sure.  Hoping we can remedy this asap.

  • No clue!  We EBF and she doesn't even like to take bottles anymore.  She eats about every three hours during the day and cluster feeds at night.  She's sleeping between 8-12 hours per night, so no complaints here!
  • He eats 5.5-6 oz. of BM every 3 - 4 hours, sometimes 2-2 1/2 hours, but he's a big boy.
    DS 5 years old
    DD 2 years old
    {Baby GIRL due 6.1}

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