I got my first pp period today~ and am having a problem getting my tampon to go in the right way~ has anyone else had this problem? I know it sounds stupid, but I've tried like 7 times and every time the tampon feels like it won't go in all the way~
I had a similar problem when I got my first PP period. I was about 7 weeks PP. I tried to use one, but it just felt really....weird!! Like when I bent over I could really feel it and I never used to. So, I took it out and used a pad lol.
I haven't had another period yet and might not b/c of my BC but I just thought I would let you know you are not alone lol.
i had the same problem. i could really feel the tampon where before I couldn't. i just started changing them way often b/c i felt like with time they would slide out. i actually read it can because your cervix could be lower. i don't know how true that is though.
I am so glad you posted this. I have this problem too and it is sooo annoying! I'm 4 months PP and have had 2 periods so far. I hope it gets better. I'm trying a different brand this month, maybe it will help.
Re: tampon problem
I had a similar problem when I got my first PP period. I was about 7 weeks PP. I tried to use one, but it just felt really....weird!! Like when I bent over I could really feel it and I never used to. So, I took it out and used a pad lol.
I haven't had another period yet and might not b/c of my BC but I just thought I would let you know you are not alone lol.
I still have that problem 8mo postpartum, with a period every month since 7wks. Sorry.
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