Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Need recs for diapers that help avoid blowouts.

I am using pampers swaddlers. DS is about 14 lbs and I just went from the 1-2 size to the 2's. The 2s are so big around the fasten part but lately when he poops it's been going up his back and getting his clothes all gross.

I hate to go and buy other brands and have them not work and love the swaddlers..they have been great so far but we are running into an issue. Any recommendations on what I could  try?


Re: Need recs for diapers that help avoid blowouts.

  • I don't have any advice but I haven't seen you in a while and wanted to tell you that your son is adorable!!! 
  • We couldn't get the pampers swaddlers to work for us at all - LOTS of blow outs.  I have been really happy with the huggies.  We are in size 2 (ds weighs about 15 lbs) . . .and soon will move on to size 3 I think.  Anyway, you have to put them on with a snug fit, but they have hardly any blowouts.  AND ds is sleeping 10-12 hours at night with one diaper.  Good luck!

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  • I think they all do it at some point or another, unfortunately. ?I use Luvs currently and haven't had many problems.
    "If I'm goin' down, I'm goin' down loud." -John Evans Tweet me
  • Aww..thanks and look at your little Emilia. She's beautiful. She looks like a really good mix of the two of you! How's motherhood treating you? seems like you just got pregnant like a few months ago and now your baby is already here. Congrats!
  • Cloth.  I had blowouts all the time with disposables.
  • I actually really like the Costco brand diapers (Kirkland).  The 1-2's are really small though, so my 12 lb son is in the size 3's.  He has only had a couple blowouts in the 2 months we've been using them, but the pampers gave us many more blowouts.
  • When you put them on, are you careful to tuck the elastic around his legs in? I had blow outs a few times with Swaddler's size 2 and that was why. I was also happy with Huggies Gentle Care size 2.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    DD #1 passed away in January 2011 at 14 days old due to congenital heart disease
    DD#2 lost in January 2012 at 23 weeks due to anhydramnios caused by a placental abruption
  • If you want to try cloth, we've never had a blowout with our Bum Genius 3.0's one sized.
    Married 07.07.07. Mom to 3: Ruby 11/08 and Oliver & Austin 12/11
  • imageKimandTravWed:
    Aww..thanks and look at your little Emilia. She's beautiful. She looks like a really good mix of the two of you! How's motherhood treating you? seems like you just got pregnant like a few months ago and now your baby is already here. Congrats!

    So far so good.  I'm amazed as how fast time has gone by.  The last 3 weeks of pregnancy seemed to take forever but the first 3 weeks of Emilia's life have flown by!!! 

  • I tried huggies in the beginning and didn't really like them. They didn't fit ds all that well. Maybe we need to fasten them tighter...I dunno. I feel like they are pretty tight. He also does fine in the same diaper all night but he's a morning/day pooper.

  • Yeah, I pull out the sides of the diaper and also pull it way up in back to make sure it's on good an snug. It doesn't come out the sides it always goes right up the back. Would that mean it's maybe too tight then?


  • I had problems with the swaddlers with blowouts up the back.  We use huggies or pampers baby dry.
  • I have blowouts several times a week with swaddlers.  It goes up the back sometimes, but most of the time it will come out of the legs.  I put them on pretty snuggly and make sure the ruffles stick out.  It's so frustrating.  She's smack dab in the middle of the weight range on the size 1's so I can't imagine she needs to size up. 
  • We were having the same problems with swadlers, and decided to try Earthsbest tendercare diapers. They have been awesome and they are chlorine free! SO far not one blowout and my kid has some power packed poops! She is about 14lbs now and we are in size 2. HTH!
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I 2nd all the cloth statements. I have NEVER had a blowout.
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