Babies: 0 - 3 Months

When do you do tummy time?

I know I don't have DS do tummy time nearly enough, but I don't know when to do it.  When he wakes up from his naps he is crying because he is hungry.  I don't want to do it after he eats because he will probably throw up.  When do you do tummy time?

Re: When do you do tummy time?

  • I do it after he's nursed. I stick a burpcloth under him. Sometimes he spits up, sometimes he doesn't. He HATES tummy time.?
    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • About an hour after eating and they never spit up.
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  • I do it right before a bottle, because tummy time usually makes him really mad and the bottle is good for soothing him.
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  • Ditto HarrietNJ
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  • After he eats in the morning  bc that's when he's in the best mood. I eat breakfast and talk to him while he hangs out on his belly for about 10 mins.

     BTW, does anyone know how much tummy time they're supposed to get?

  • imageRobynK:
    About an hour after eating and they never spit up.
    That's about when we do tummy time. After she has eaten so she's not too fussy but not right away or else she will spit up.
  • imageryeslady:

    After he eats in the morning  bc that's when he's in the best mood. I eat breakfast and talk to him while he hangs out on his belly for about 10 mins.

     BTW, does anyone know how much tummy time they're supposed to get?

    Our Pedi told us to do it as often and as long as DS will tolerate it.

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