Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Did any of you give you baby Whole Milk before 1st b-day?

My DS is almost 10 months she only has breast milk, we have tried every formula under the sun and she always gags and won't take it. 

But she will get my son's sippy cup of 1% milk and go to town.  I always take it away. 

I'm just curious if anyone started milk early?


Re: Did any of you give you baby Whole Milk before 1st b-day?

  • Yes. 

    Our pediatrician told us to start introducing whole milk around 10 months or so.  We started by mixing 25% whole milk with 75% formula (you could use breast milk)... then after a couple weeks we did 50/50%... then a couple weeks later we did 75% whole milk, 25% formula... then 100% whole milk after another week.  He was completely transitioned to whole milk by his first birthday.

  • Wrong board (except for repeaters) but CUTE kids!
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  • Whoops, I thought I hit the 6-12 board.  Thanks for the answer above.

  • Not sure why you'd need to if they are being breastfed.  I'd stick to breast milk, diluted juice and water.
  • I don't have an answer but your kids are REALLY cute!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickersimage
  • Same answer as the first poster!  Jsut keep in mind that they are supposed to be on whole milk until they're 2.  (According to my pedi) 
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