I swore I wouldn't be a co-sleeping mom. However, several nights DD would not go to sleep. She had been fed, her diaper was changed, and she just didn't want to settle down. Bringing her in bed with us makes her calm down and fall asleep. And I LOVE sleeping with her. It's not something I plan to do every night, but I really enjoy it sometimes.
Re: Co-sleeping
We usually do every night, it's much easier to BF in the middle of the night. Although I do feel a bit bad because we?received?a beautiful crib as a gift, and it hardly ever gets any use!?
Most of the rest of the world co-sleeps, and they turn out all right!?
I'm so glad you said this! I know that the U.S. is in the minority and the rest of the world co-sleeps. I think a lot of people think it's weird. My FIL keeps saying we're spoiling the baby. DH is afraid I'm going to roll over on her.
Sorry, pet peeve, but what you're talking about specifically is bed sharing.
Co-sleeping is any sleeping arrangement where the baby is in your room. Bed sharing is simply one kind of co-sleeping.