Oops and my LO is 6 months old. I couldn't make it to my original appt. I tried to reschedule but they book up like 2 mos ahead. Now I have to go b/c I really want my tubes tied but don't want a lecture from the OB. The receptionist was already crappy with me when I called to make my appt. Seriously, why should she care that I haven't been in yet? I am so dreading this.
Re: Never went to 6wk PP checkup
are you one of those people that didnt go to the OB for the first time until you were 30?
Then you should have gone.
She's my dr. not my mother. Besides I couldn't make it in and there was no real reason for me to go in at that point anyways. I know my incision from c/s healed fine.