Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Brooke and her Babies

I can't stop thinking about Brooke and her babies. It's absolutely horrible. I was wondering if anyone knew what the background was - did she have problems during her pregnancy? Were her girls very early? On her blog she only talks about when they were diagnosed but nothing prior to that. I can't wait to get the hell out of work today and go see my baby. I thank god that she is healthy :-)


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Re: Brooke and her Babies

  • Google the disease they had, I found good info on Wiki when I was looking into it this morning. It is a recessive gene that both parents have to have, or something along those lines. In its more severe form it is muscular dystrophy.
  • I can't get it out of my head, either. I can't imagine the pain she is going through right just breaks my heart.
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  • :( their poor family was all I could think about last night trying to sleep... so heartbreaking!!
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    violet (01.06.2011) & colt (09.27.08)
    expecting surprise baby no.3 may 3rd
  • Can someone post the blog link again?  I'm still all worked up about the Macs blog that Jar posted earlier, so I might as well get another good cry.
    :( their poor family was all I could think about last night trying to sleep... so heartbreaking!!


    Ditto.  I can't get them out of my mind. 

  • I know Brook and I talked several times about feeding issues. I think she had concerns because Carynne would never eat properly, and wasn't gaining as much weight as her sister. She was put in the hospital in January, and then Sydney had a breathing episode and that was where the diagnosis came from. But for their first 4 months, they thought they had perfectly healthy little girls. Simply tragic.
    :( their poor family was all I could think about last night trying to sleep... so heartbreaking!!

     I thought I was the only one totally hung up on this. It's been popping in my head all day...I actually got all teary nursing DS earlier....I can't even imagine how much they hurt.

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