She is still really young and her vision is not great yet. I bet she will love it more in another couple weeks. Mine were less than interested in the beginning but they now love it.
No it wasn't a waste- just wait until she is older. I didn't buy mine until DD was about 13 weeks old- she got it from christmas. She liked it right away then so I would just give it some time.
We have the Baby Einstein one with the light-up star. DD has loved staring at it since about 3 weeks old. If it didn't have that God-blessed star, I don't know if she would have liked it. Now she kicks the crap out of her toys, but still loves the star. She gets very still when it turns off and starts kicking away again once I turn the star back on.
P.S. She also prefers naked time on the activity mat now. She gets better leg motion when she's out of her cloth diapers, lol.
Just give it some time. I don't remember when - but one week she didn't care for it and then next she started cooing at the toys I think it was around 6 wks.
Re: DD hates her activity gym
She is still really young and her vision is not great yet. I bet she will love it more in another couple weeks. Mine were less than interested in the beginning but they now love it.
We have the Baby Einstein one with the light-up star. DD has loved staring at it since about 3 weeks old. If it didn't have that God-blessed star, I don't know if she would have liked it. Now she kicks the crap out of her toys, but still loves the star. She gets very still when it turns off and starts kicking away again once I turn the star back on.
P.S. She also prefers naked time on the activity mat now. She gets better leg motion when she's out of her cloth diapers, lol.