Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Sick baby . . . and constipation?

My DD started daycare last Monday and was sick by Friday morning.  She has not pooped in more than 24 hours.  She usually goes two or three times a day.  I'm guessing this is just a result of her fluids going to fight off the cold. 

Our pedi said not to worry yet.  She said the first step would be prune juice.  Is this the best option?  Any feedback is appreciated.  TIA!

Re: Sick baby . . . and constipation?

  • We did prune juice with DD when she didn't go for 36 hours (we FF) and about 10 hours later it did its job...we were never so happy to see poo! (and LOTS of it!)
    Chad and Emily - 10/28/06 Abigail Suzanne - 1/6/09 Corbin David - 11/6/12
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