When you are having marriage issues, who do you talk to (aside from your husband)? I always feel like people are going to hold it against my husband if I tell them anything negative about him. I probably have 2 people who I don't feel that way with.
My mom and my little brother. They know me the best and aren't afraid to say if I am over-reacting or in the wrong and they love my DH so they don't hold anything against him. Hey, they also lived with me and they know how I can be.
I talk to my best friend. She would never judge DH and is quick tell me when I'm wrong! She will also just let me vent and I need to without making it into a big deal.
It's hard because I married my best friend's brother, so I would worry that it would get back to my in laws or just that it would hurt her. Thankfully there's been nothing major. I do have a friend or two I think I would trust in that situation.
Re: Who do you talk to?
There is 6 of us all married in the same year. We talk every day via e-mail. I also talk to my sister.
My lupus Birth Story
my best friend and my mom.
although i do feel the same way as you. ??
Ditto this. I feel if I talk to my mom/sister about serious stuff they'll judge him, even after its all worked out.