Babies: 0 - 3 Months

weight watchers

anyone currently doing wieght watchers? I lost 20lbs following weight watchers about 3 yrs ago, so I decided to join a few weeks ago to help loose the baby weight but i am having a REALLY hard time staying focused, just wondering how others moms are doing with it

Re: weight watchers

  • I just joined as well.  I weighed in on Sunday and lost 2 lbs the first week.  I need to be better about tracking my food and I need to start walking! 

     Its hard!

  • i've only lost 2lbs in the past 3 weeks! i find it really hard come dinner time, bc my husband wont eat most of my "healthy food" and i dont have the time or $ to make 2 dinners!!!
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  • I am. I'm down 9 lbs so far- it's been 7 weeks I think.  I'm now kinda running out of steam and not doing well with tracking at all!! I need to keep it up cause I want to lose at least another 10 lbs.  I try to eat great during the week and give myself leeway on the weekends by using my weekly points then.  Makes it easier to stick to it. 
  • i have done it before with success and was just looking at the website this morning and am thinking of doing it again. i still have a good 20 lbs of baby weight that is not budging and WW has worked in the past......but its so hard! I like the points system though. you can still splurge once in awhile.
    imageCafeMom Tickers CafeMom Tickers
  • This will be my 3rd time doing WW....I am not keeping track of points well yet, but am definitely watching what I am eating and trying to exercise as the weather will allow and when I can get time at the gym to walk on the treadmill.  Right now I have 14 to go to my goal weight, but then another 10-12 to lose on top of that (I am a lifetime member).  With #1, I lost all of my baby weight about 4-5 months pp.  It is hard for me right now b/c I am nursing and I have a ton of points, but I feel like I am hungry all the time!!
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