Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How do you time your feedings?

The pedi wants me feeding DD every two hours until she's back up to her birth weight.  How do you time your feedings?

Start time every two hours, regardless of how long LO feeds (i.e. 2:00, 4:00, 6:00)  or...

Start the next feeding two hours after LO finishes previous feeding (i.e. Feeding 1 from 2:00-2:30, feeding 2 at 4:30)

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Re: How do you time your feedings?

  • Our childbirth classes, hospital and pedi all said it's from when DD starts when I say "oh yeah, she goes 3-4 hours at night time between feedings" it really means she's only sleeping 2-3 hours which sucks!
    Chad and Emily - 10/28/06 Abigail Suzanne - 1/6/09 Corbin David - 11/6/12
  • It's 2 hours from when they start feeding. 
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  • It's start to start.  It sucks when they take forever to eat.  I just grabbed a book and camped out on the couch when DS was that little.
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