Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How do tell if BM is sour?

I give DD milk that has been frozen and I put the fresh milk in the freezer and I nurse her exclusively when I am home (weekends and evenings).  Anyway, I have noticed the milk from the freezer smells a little funny and is a slightly different color ( a little more yellow).  It does not smell "sour" it smells more stale! 

If you feed your dc freezer milk, have you thrown any away because it smelled funny or how do you handle and what is that smell?



Re: How do tell if BM is sour?

  • Okay fixed my typos! Sorry I am BFing Julia, lol...

    You should cool it before freezer to preserve the nutrients and not shock them.

    Normal is a metallic smell, sour milk will smell similar to sour cows milk.

    Also thaw BM slowly in room temp water or in the fridge to prevent souring as well. I learned that one the hard way thinking my entire stash was sour. covers all this.

  • imageJARbaby:

    Also that BM slowly in room temp water ot in the fridge to prevent souring as well. I learned that one the hard way thinking my entire stash was sour.

    What was that last line JAR? I'm interested in this too b/c I've been doing this ALL wrong. Maybe that's why DS spits up so much.

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  • I just the information in the link below, let's just say I was doing a few things incorrectly and we will be fixing the routine today!!


    thank you!!

  • What does this mean?

    milk cannot be upgraded from the refrigerator to the freezer, or from the counter (after it has been out for a while) to the refrigerator.

  • supposedly once you have taken and thawed milk from the freezer it should not go back in, once you have warmed a bottle from the fridge it shouldnt go back in.  You can take out of freezer and put in fridge and from fridge to counter, but not the other way!


    i am not very good at explaining things, did that help!

    I have been taking DD's milk out of the freezer thawing it, putting it in bottles for the next day and putting it in the fridge, according to them that is a no-no!

  • imageldw0815:

    I have been taking DD's milk out of the freezer thawing it, putting it in bottles for the next day and putting it in the fridge, according to them that is a no-no!

     I've been doing the same thing. Tongue Tied

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  • Okay, I knew that, for some reason my brain is not functioning today!
  • It is a learning experience, DD has not been fussy or anything so i hoepfully i havent scarred her too bad :)


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