Babies: 0 - 3 Months

When to stop swaddling?

My daughter will be 3 months on March 10th. She gets swaddled at night to sleep - she doesn't sleep well (or at all) without being swaddled. I have been reading conflicting ideas about when a baby should stop being swaddled....when did you stop swaddling your DC?

Re: When to stop swaddling?

  • I stopped when he no longer wanted to be swaddled. It was probably around 6mths with my 1st son and I am still swaddling DS2 at almost five months.  What have you all heard? 
  • I'm quite interested in this as well.  I'm dreading the day we stop swaddling.  DD can't get to sleep w/out being swaddled.  If by some weird happening she DOES fall asleep sans swaddle, she wakes up right away with her poor little arms flailing away, or smacking her in her face.  I'm thinking I'll be swaddling her until she graduates highschool... Hmm
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  • 1-2 months. ?He was almost 10lbs when he was born so basically we stopped swaddling when he could break out of it. ?If he was small enough he would still be swaddled! LOL
  • What I "heard" was something I read in a book my parents gave me. I just read it tonight...I avoid baby/pregnancy books b/c they typically freak me out. It said that swaddling affects their growth in their legs and hips. But then on the flip side I have read that it helps with SIDS. This book also says they suggest sleeping with your infant which per my doctor is a NO NO because you can roll on them while you are sleeping. I think this book needs to be used as a door stop instead of reading material  Big Smile
  • imageallycat31:
    What I "heard" was something I read in a book my parents gave me. I just read it tonight...I avoid baby/pregnancy books b/c they typically freak me out. It said that swaddling affects their growth in their legs and hips. But then on the flip side I have read that it helps with SIDS. This book also says they suggest sleeping with your infant which per my doctor is a NO NO because you can roll on them while you are sleeping. I think this book needs to be used as a door stop instead of reading material  Big Smile

    I've never heard that swaddling was bad for growth...if it were I'm sure we'd all have heard something about it.  Especially from our pedi's and birthing class instructors.  And maybe your doc is old-school?  Co-sleeping isn't dangerous unless you've been drinking or taking meds that could alter your ability to be aware of your surroundings.  However, I prefer to not cosleep, b/c while I truly love her sleeping with us, I know that we'll never be able to break her of it if we make it a habit.

  • I agree with you!  I am sure it would be discussed if it was bad for a baby....either our doctors or someone would say something!  I guess if DD doesn't mind the swaddle then we will keep doing it. Do you think her college roommates will look at her oddly when she asks them to swaddle her before bed??  Hmm
  • Hahaha, I hope not.  Maybe our DD's can be roommates and tell no one else of their secret swaddles. =)
  • Perfect....they can have a secret swaddling sorority!!!
  • Just last week when he learned he can flip onto his belly.
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  • After seeing my 3 year old niece getting out of her bed about 20 times tonight, screaming and throwing a fit...I'm thinking that we'll swaddle until DD is 5. 
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