My daughter will be 3 months on March 10th. She gets swaddled at night to sleep - she doesn't sleep well (or at all) without being swaddled. I have been reading conflicting ideas about when a baby should stop being swaddled....when did you stop swaddling your DC?
Re: When to stop swaddling?
I've never heard that swaddling was bad for growth...if it were I'm sure we'd all have heard something about it. Especially from our pedi's and birthing class instructors. And maybe your doc is old-school? Co-sleeping isn't dangerous unless you've been drinking or taking meds that could alter your ability to be aware of your surroundings. However, I prefer to not cosleep, b/c while I truly love her sleeping with us, I know that we'll never be able to break her of it if we make it a habit.