Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Gotta love fear-mongering and bad advice on the tri boards


Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Gotta love fear-mongering and bad advice on the tri boards

  • We were prepared to refuse forceps and vacuum.  Thank god we didn't have to make that choice.
  • She did have a terrible experience, in her defense.


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  • Do you know if the risks of a vacuum or forceps are bigger than the risks of an emergency c/s? Just curious and want to keep it in mind for my next delivery. Although I suppose I could just ask my OB when the time comes :)
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  • I agree that it's a shame to take one experience and put it out there saying never to do this or that based on it (vs. simply being aware of possible good and bad outcomes). But yeesh, that picture is so sad :( Glad he's ok in the end.
  • Omigosh...that picture. Sad
  • Yeah I always thought people who base their bid decisions on someone elses situation not cool. Or someone putting fear in them over it. ekk...
  • imageGRKaters:

    She did have a terrible experience, in her defense.


    Yes, but she is telling people to refuse a vacuum.  I was at a delivery where the vacuum prevented brain damage and possibly death.  Telling people to refuse it under all circumstances is very irresponsible. 


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • i responded. ?i feel sorry that happened to her son, but it's a tad irresponsible of her to make a post like that.
  • My son's head didn't look to great either but the hematoma reabsorbed and he is very healthy
  • OK that picture just made me really queasy.  Holy helll.  That poor baby. 

    "When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame

  • that would have scared me to death while pregnant. bad things happen all the time under many circumstances. i do feel sorry for her, but something horrible can happen naturally, c-section, epi, etc.
  • I had no warning that a vacuum would be used (or a choice for that matter). I pushed for 2.5 hours as well, and she was so far down and so stuck a c/s would have done more damage to her head than vacuuming her out. I feel terrible for the poster, but I thank God every day for that vacuum... she NEVER would have come out without it (she was posterior and had a large head... totally stuck without assistance)



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  • imageMEJ2008:
    that would have scared me to death while pregnant. bad things happen all the time under many circumstances. i do feel sorry for her, but something horrible can happen naturally, c-section, epi, etc.


  • imageGRKaters:

    She did have a terrible experience, in her defense.

    Yes, but she could have made a TOTALLY different post, with the same gist like, "Hey, we had a bad vacuum delivery and if I had known then what I know now I would have made a different decision.  Please educate yourselves on whether you would want this as opposed to a C/S if you are given the choice. "

    or whatever.

    And adding the PIP is just *complete* fear mongering, IMO.  I don't even understand the point of that. 

    I really resented the fear mongering posts when I was on the tri boards.  There are some things you just can't prepare for.  And sometimes all the information in the world does more damage than good.

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