Babies: 0 - 3 Months

how many ounces

At 6 weeks how many ounces from bottle is your baby taking.

Re: how many ounces

  • If you scroll down, this question was just asked.


    DD takes 4oz every 3-5 hours, sometimes a bit less, but we think that's due to her 6 week growth spurt.

    Chad and Emily - 10/28/06 Abigail Suzanne - 1/6/09 Corbin David - 11/6/12
  • DS is for the most part taking 4oz every 3+4 hours. Sometimes he doesn't make it though so we feed him before that. We feed on demand.
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  • She was taking 3.5 oz. BM every 3 hours
    Kylie 10/21/08
    Twin Ectopic - lost left tube 12/29/10
    Surprise BFP EDD 8/21/13
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