
Steer & Stroll trikes reviews?

If you have one or have seen them, what is your opinion on them?

Alexander got a trike for his 2nd Christmas and I'm just now realizing that he doesn't know how to ride it because the pedals were/are just too damn hard to pedal.  I'm thinking about getting him a Steer & Stroll type of thing, but I don't know if that's too "babyish" for a 4yo.

He needs to learn how to ride a "bike" and with the one he has right now it's not going to happen.  So I need to do something.


Re: Steer & Stroll trikes reviews?

  • Is that the same thing as a balance bike? ?Evan got one for his 3rd birthday. ?It's called a Skuut, and it had some really good reviews on Amazon. ?We've only tried it out a couple of times, and Evan hasn't really gotten into it yet. ?I'm hoping to take it out a bit more when the weather's warmer. ?It's just tough living in a townhouse to get both boys all bundled up and outside. ?I have to push Bennett in the stroller while trying to help Evan with the bike. ?Several people said in the reviews on Amazon that their toddlers were able to learn to balance on it and didn't need training wheels when they went to a bike with pedals.
  • It's the trike with the handle on the back that allows the parents to steer if they need to. 
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