does this sound strange to anyone else?
DD has horrible congestion and a nasty cough and a low grade fever of 100.3 since Friday. Her lungs sound clear but she has been exposed to RSV so they tested her and just called to tell me it was positive. So I expected breathing treatments or something and when they just said they want to see her back on Wednesday afternoon. I asked if she needed meds of any kind and they said no, just keep a close eye on her and take her to the ER if she gets worse or stops breathing. Well NO SH!T.
I miss our old pedi already!!!
Re: tested positive for RSV and Dr said to just watch her
I second this action - sorry to hear she is sick
My Blog
That actually sounds about right to me.
DS has RSV right now and was hospitalized from Sunday - Wednesday of last week. At that point, his O2 stats were in the upper 70s and he was retracting like crazy when trying to breathe. He was admitted and after breathing treatments and deep suctioning many times a day he was released. Even though he still has RSV, we're just "watching" him at this point. There is nothing to do except treat the symptoms, so unless she is having trouble breathing, I doubt there is anything they could really do.
I hope she feels better soon. RSV sucks!
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DS tested positive for RSV 2/13, when we took him in after a couple of days of runny nose and cough. The doctor prescribed a raised mattress (blanket under one end of the mattress), a humidifier, and suctioning his nose a lot. We were already doing all three things. It's not much help, but it did seem to make DS more comfortable. He also had a slight ear infection, so pedi prescribed antibiotics for that, but the RSV is a virus, and you just need to let it run its course. If the symptoms worsen, call the doc.
Obviously, if you're worried, get a second opinion, though.