DH, DD and I went out to dinner with my parents and brother last night. They drove me nuts. DD slept until the meals came, then when she woke up, I put her on my lap. My dad says, "I can take her for you." I say, "No, you eat, then I will give her to you." Five minutes later: same exchange. Two minutes after that, he pulls her out of my arms and starts playing with her. Fine. Whatever.
She is briefly entertained, then starts crying. He says, "Give me her pacifier." I did, but said, "Okay, but I don't think that's going to help you." He shoves it in her mouth, she spits it out, crying. (Repeats 10x.) "Dad, she doesn't want the paci." "Sure she does. Then why is she taking it now?" "Because you're forcing it in her mouth. Take your hand away." He does. She spits it out. (Repeats 10x.) "Dad. She doesn't. want. the paci." Now my brother jumps in. "Who cares. Does it really matter? He's going to do what he wants anyway." (All the while, my father is frantically trying to get her to take the paci to prove he's right, as she cries loudly.)
There were a few other similar incidents last night. I was so pissed. I am her effing MOTHER and nobody listens worth a damn. I don't mind other people holding her, but it annoys me when they all assume they know what's best when I spend 24 hours a day with her.
Vent over.
Re: VENT: Overbearing family (long)
hmmm....stellar idea here. why must everyone on this board be so uptight? atleast he is trying. give the guy a break. he is A) a man, and
a man. need we say more?
I agree 100%.