Babies: 0 - 3 Months

nap advice

So DS usually naps between every bottle, and normally gets sleepy within 1-2 hours of being awake, as I read to expect in Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child. This has always worked for him.  That is, until yesterday.  He stayed awake from 1pm on and was an exhausted mess by the time his bedtime bottle at 7 rolled around.  Today it seems he's going to do the same thing.   He won't stop crying and fighting his afternoon nap.  So I just am holding him even though I know he's tired.  Maybe he just doesn't need that nap  anymore? I know as they age they spend more time awake than when he was a newborn.  But then what's with the overtired meltdown at night?  I'm taking him for a drive but in the meantime, any wisdom or advice for me to try tomorrow would be great.  Thanks ladies!

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