Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Sad :-(

I have been exclusively pumping for DS and started gradually weaning a couple of days ago.  It was a really hard decision for me because I want DS to get breast milk for as long as possible, but it is really hard to fit all of the pumps necessary in and I will be going back to work in two weeks.  I am a teacher and I think it will be really hard to fit pump sessions in every day.  I dropped a pump session a couple of days ago and was planning on gradually weaning until I go back to work.

Well, I got back from a doctor's appointment today to find that one of my pump parts is missing.  I suspect the dog is involved.  It is the one part that I don't have extras of and it will have to be ordered from the Lansinoh site which will take a couple of days.  I'm sure my supply will be greatly diminished or gone by the time it comes in, so I am just going to wean now.  I'm really sad because I wanted to have a couple more weeks of milk for DS and I didn't want to stop pumping this way without it being my decision.  Sad

 Thanks for letting me vent.

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Re: Sad :-(

  • so sorry! that must be so frustrating.  my DS refused the breast a few times last week, and i was afraid he was self-weaning because i was on antibiotics & it made my milk taste funny.  i cried at the time.  but it sounds like your DS got your BM for the crucial early period, so try not to worry.
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