Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Bit confused...spoon and bottle at same time

So we just got back from Pedi and he said I can spoon feed and bottle feed at the same time  One hand with bottle and one hand with spoon and alternate.  Why does this seem so confusing to me..... so give like one spoonful and then let him drink some bottle??

Re: Bit confused...spoon and bottle at same time

  • I take a bite of my food and then take a sip of my drink.  I guess it's the same idea?
  • Are we talking about cereal?  How old is your baby?  If I knew these things maybe I could help a little better.
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  • I give a couple bites and then let DD drink some of her bottle. Then another couple bites...I do this until food is gone then she finishes the rest of the bottle.
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  • I agree that is weird! I mean it's hard to have them drink a bottle in the highchair cause you can't tilt it easily since they are sitting up so unless they can do it themselves... I don't know. 

    I usually give DD a bottle and then like an hour later offer her cereal. that usually works for me.  You don't want them starving when you are trying to get them to eat off a spoon.

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