So, when she eats, she will only eat for a little over 10 minutes per side.....most of the time, she doesn't last 10 minutes on the 2nd side.....and when I pump, I get about 4 oz total (I thought I would be able to pump and save and feed her also, but it doesn't seem like I have enough to do that). At what point will she eat more, and will my supply increase to accommodate her feeding needs?
Re: Bfing question.....
You will always pump LESS than she actually eats, unless you have a severe oversupply (like I do.)
Every baby is different. I'm not sure when my kids started eating "more" as I EBF, and never knew exactly how much they were taking........
How do you know you don't have enough to feed her? Have you given her a 4oz bottle and she wanted more??
Remember that what you pump may not be indicative of how much milk you are actually producing. Pumps just aren't as good as babies are at getting the milk out.
If she is gaining weight, wetting enough diapers and seems content, then she is getting enough milk. Every baby has a different eating style. Just keep putting her to breast and you should build a good supply that will meet her needs.
It's not that I don't think I am satisfying her, I was just curious how it worked, with the supply, etc. She most always seems satisfied, and always does when I pump a 4 oz. bottle if I am going to be away for a bit and I have DH feed her. The bfing thing is just so new to me!
Getting 4 oz is really good. I usually pump in the morning, for the first feeding after I get out of bed, I'm lucky to get 2 oz total.
I left my DD for the first time on Friday night, the bottles that I left for her where 2-3 oz each, and that seemed to be enough for her at a feeding.
4 oz total is great for pumping! i think a lot of bumpies are over-achievers in that respect. i only pump 3-5 ounces total and my baby is older than yours and already had his 2-3 week growth spurt. my DS's bottles are usually 3.5-4 ounces, so if you are pumping and storing that much, you are in good shape.
she is doing great - my ds takes about 4 oz now and he is 4 months hold. He also nurses for only 5 mins - they get very efficient.
You will produce what ever she needs when ever she needs it.