Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How do you co-sleep?

A few questions:

Do you use any extra safety features on your bed - railings, etc.?

Does DH sleep in the bed with you?

When you wake up for feedings, do you always roll over, or just stick to feeding on one side?

How do you dress your baby?

I ended up co-sleeping - mostly out of necessity (for sleep!). DH is still sleeping in another room, and I want him back. I usually prop the baby's head up on my arm because it makes me feel better - and I think he is more comfortable too. I just don't know how I will roll over to feed with DH in the bed because right now, I roll from one side of the bed to the other so that the baby is always miles away from the other side. I did buy a side rail but haven't put it up yet.

Re: How do you co-sleep?

  • We co-slept for the first 2 months for the same reason as you.  I needed to sleep to stay sane!  DS would either be in my arm or he would sleep on top of me.  We finally stopped last night because I wanted to be able to sleep on my side/stomach again.  DH would be in bed with us, but we have a king and he was far away. 

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  • We have a King, too.

    Yeah, he ended up falling asleep next to me, but not on my arm the other night, and it was so nice to be able to move!

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  • Do you use any extra safety features on your bed - railings, etc.? Nope.

    Does DH sleep in the bed with you? Yep. DS sleeps in between us. In fact, he prefers to snuggle up to DH.

    When you wake up for feedings, do you always roll over, or just stick to feeding on one side? Because of the way my boobs are, BFing lying down is pretty much impossible for us. So I sit up in bed, use the Boppy and go back to sleep while DS nurses. When he's done, I lay him back down next to DH and pass out almost immediately.

    How do you dress your baby? Usually in footie PJs, and he's swaddled every night, too. We keep our bedroom pretty chilly.

    I like privacy. A lot.
  • We did it for a bit to get her to sleep. Many times, I propped my head up and she laid her head in my arm and slept at a raised angle.

    Othertimes, we had a foam wedge in between us where she slept.

  • DS slept on top of me up until last week.  It drove DH nuts but it calmed my nerves and DS is such a sweet little cuddler.  Now that he is old enough to try and wiggle off of me, I have transitioned him into his PNP beside of our bed.  I miss co-sleeping like crazy, but I get a much better night's sleep now and don't have to worry about him crawling off of me.
  • Do you use any extra safety features on your bed - railings, etc.?No, I just stay close to the center or close to the edge so that whichever side of me she's on, she's far from being able to fall. But she can't roll yet anyway and she's propped on my arm when she's with us (which means I sleep very lightly, because it's not terribly comfortable!).

    Does DH sleep in the bed with you?Yes, he just doesn't get a whole lot of room. Fortunately neither of us move much in our sleep.

    When you wake up for feedings, do you always roll over, or just stick to feeding on one side?Both -- if I'm feeling full, I'll flip over, but otherwise I'll just stay on one side.

    How do you dress your baby?Light PJs with a onesie underneath, plus a SwaddleMe. Then I just keep the covers off her, but our house is cool at night anyway.

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  • Do you use any extra safety features on your bed - railings, etc.?

    No extra safety features.  We tried a snuggle nest, but he hates it.

    Does DH sleep in the bed with you?

    Yes.  The baby sleeps between us.

    When you wake up for feedings, do you always roll over, or just stick to feeding on one side?

    I give him bottles of pumped milk because he HATES nursing :(

    How do you dress your baby?

    Zippered jammies.

     I am hoping to move the baby to his crib soon.  We started cosleeping out of necessity too.  If I didn't get some sleep I was going to die.  If he would have slept in a potato sack hanging from the ceiling I would have figured out a way to install one.  lol.




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  • imageeris1995:

    We co-slept for the first 2 months for the same reason as you.  I needed to sleep to stay sane!  DS would either be in my arm or he would sleep on top of me.  We finally stopped last night because I wanted to be able to sleep on my side/stomach again.  DH would be in bed with us, but we have a king and he was far away. 

    This too.

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  • We're still co-sleeping, but hope to transition by 6 months.  She's starting to sleep longer and better since we started giving her prune juice for constipation. 

    • We don't use any safety features yet.  She is swaddled and unable to roll from back to belly; when this begins occurring I will purchase a bed rail. 
    • DH is in the bed and 99% of the time DD sleeps b/t me and the side of the bed (rarely in the middle). 
    • When she wakes to feed (which is usually 1x/night) I feed her on the side next to DH first and then switch to the other side to go back to sleep.  
    • She wears a sleeper w/ feet, socks, and then the swaddle/miracle blanket.  I dress her sort of light due to the sleeper and due to her sleeping next to me.  She used to experience a heat rash b/c of being too warm at night.
  • We don't co-sleep every night, usually DD starts out in her crib, she goes to sleep about 8:30 pm, wakes up for the first feeding between 11 pm and 1 am. If she'll go back to sleep I'll put her back in her crib, but if she's really fussy or I'm falling asleep while feeding her I'll bring her to bed. Then her next feeding is between 3am and 5am, usually I will bring her back to bed for this feeding, I'm usually pretty tired at this point.

    Do you use any extra safety features on your bed - railings, etc.?


    Does DH sleep in the bed with you? Yes, and our 2 dogs also sleep with us. The dogs sleep at the foot of the bed most of the time, or I move them when I bring DD to bed, if they're in the way.

    When you wake up for feedings, do you always roll over, or just stick to feeding on one side?

    I can feed from both sides while laying on my right side w/ DD in the middle of the bed, or I'll feed her while she's lying on my chest/across my stomach and I'm lying on my back. When I feed lying on my right side, from my right breast, I roll up a receiving blanket and put it under my breast to help prop it up. When I feed from my left breast, I put DD on a pillow beside me and roll over more towards her.

    How do you dress your baby? Footed sleeper and sometimes swaddled too

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