Babies: 0 - 3 Months

how often does your LO poop??

DS poops on average 2-3 times a day.  That seems like a lot based on what I've read in other posts.  He was EBF up until 8 weeks, I supplemented w/ formula for 3 weeks and now he is EFF.  Does 2-3 times seem like a lot?  That's how it has always been and he doesn't seem to be gassy or anything.

Re: how often does your LO poop??

  • DS poops all.the.time.  At least that's what it feels like!  I'd say DS poops at least 5 times per day.  He gets breastmilk only.
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  • DD is EBF and poops maybe once a day. Usually it is once every 2-3 days. When she hit 2 months, her digestive system went haywire and she didn't poop for 6 days. I don't stress it now.
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  • that makes me feel a little better. I read where other LOs were going every other day or sometimes 3 days normally w/out pooping.  I thought I had a little pooping freak on my hands there for a few minutes.  thanks ladies.  Smile
  • FF- around 2-3 times per day. Sometimes, it's leftover BM.
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  • My DS is EFF and pooped 4 times Saturday and 4 times yesterday. Granted, they all weren't huge but I was a little worried because he usually only goes once or twice a day. Glad to see other LOs go more too.
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    DD #1 passed away in January 2011 at 14 days old due to congenital heart disease
    DD#2 lost in January 2012 at 23 weeks due to anhydramnios caused by a placental abruption
  • DS is BF and FF (mostly FF) and he poops once or twice a day. ?I actually prefer if he poops more often because then he's less cranky and sleeps better. ?When DS does poop, it just keeps coming and coming and coming for like 10 minutes. ?It's out of control.
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